
This is a site for age regressors/syskids, created by an age regressor in a system!
You're welcome to look around, in our links above we have links to game sites, free videos, and more!

This site looks better with widescreen and may not work well on mobile

You can contact me at dinicespeon@gmail.com if you need anything!

Recent Updates: site url has been moved!

About the site

I made this because there really weren't that many resources for regressors which don't use terminology which came from places regressors may be uncomfortable with, and because having a space like this might be good for age regressors who don't like social media when regressed!

This site is always growing and made with input from my own system, and is open to (respectful) suggestions for things to add!

About the site-maker

My name is Dinic and I age regress to about 4!t I made this in part for the people in my system, who have a wider range of ages!

I have an agere blog here for those who are interested ^-^

When I regressed I usually like stuffed animals, cartoons, video games, which you might be able to tell :p